
Go International, UIN Malang Prepares Al-Quran Laboratory

Kamis, 19 Juli 2018 - 17:02 | 205.58k
The building of Kampus III UIN Maliki Malang. (PHOTO: TIMES Indonesia’s document)
The building of Kampus III UIN Maliki Malang. (PHOTO: TIMES Indonesia’s document)
Kecil Besar

TIMESINDONESIA, MALANG – The Rector of UIN Malang, Prof Dr Abdul Haris, revealed his big idea to make UIN Malang (UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang) go international (world-class university). One of the strategies is to build Laboratorium Alquran dan Tafsir (Alquran Laboratory and Quran Interpretation).

As usual, the precious idea from Prof Haris is delivered in form of a poem sent to TIMES Indonesia. “We are planning to build Al-Quran Laboratory and Quran Interpretation. According to the plan, it will be built on this semester,” said Prof Haris to this online media that has been verified by the Press Council.


According to Haris, in this Al-Quran Laboratory the Al-Quran commentators of UIN Malang will do the Quran interpretation together, from Surah Al-Fatiha to the end of the surah

“This could be a creation from the scholars and the Quran commentators of UIN Malang. It is the Quran interpretation with different method, not only understanding the meanings, but also creating the strategy to apply it in the real world,” explained Haris.

 “What kind of implementation? Haris explained that there would be a scheme of commentary inside the laboratory. “The point is to find the meanings behind the texts by using science, linguistic approaches, and so on,” he said.

Here is the complete opinion from the rector:

TAFSIR UIN MALIKI (Commentaries from UIN Maliki)

Memahami dan Implementasi (understanding and implementation)

Sedang berencana.(is planning)

Jika para ahli tafsir bersedia.(if the commentators are willing)

Membuat tafsir Al Qur'an bersama. (to make the Quran interpretation together)

Mulai surah al Fatihah sampai akhir surah. (from surah Al-Fatihah to the end of the surah)

Menjadi sebuah karya ilmiah para cendikia. (becoming a scientific work of the scholars.)

Tafsir Al Qur'an dengan metodologi yang berbeda. (Quran interpretation with different method)

Bukan hanya memahami makna-makna belaka. (not only knowing the meanings)

Tetapi dibuat strategi bagaimana implementasi di dunia jadi bisa. (but also making a strategy to apply it in the real world)

Tafsir dengan sebuah skema. (interpretation with a scheme)

Mencari makna dibalik teks yang ada. (finding the meanings beside the texts)

Multi pendekatan dengan sains, bahasa dan lainnya.(multi-method approaches of science, linguistics, and so on)

Dengan mengedepankan kegunaan bagi makhluk manusia. (by prioritizing the benefits for human beings)

Bukan menumpuk arti-arti yang biasa tetapi menjadi mulghah. (not only gathering the meanings and becoming mulghah (???))

Memahami maksud firman Allah dengan sekuat tenaga. (understanding the word of God with all power)

Memetakan menjadi terperi dengan peta konsep yang indah. (mapping with a beautiful concept map)

Semua orang merasa mendapat informasi dan jadi tercerah. (all people get the information and be enlightened)

Basis untuk dikejawantahkan menjadi sikap dan perilaku manusia. (The embodied basis to be human beings’ attitude)

Tafsir Al Qur'an UIN Maliki.(Quran interpretation of UIN Maliki)

Sekarang kita coba mulai inisiasi. (let’s try to initiate)

Dengan cara mengajak orang diskusi. (by inviting people to discuss)

Menyamakan persepsi yang kurang lebih. (unifying perceptions)

Mungundang pakar yang memang ahli sekali (inviting the smart experts)

Sebagai masukan yang berarti dan berkontribusi.(as the meaningful and contributive suggestions)

Meski mungkin akan berbeda dengan yang kita ingini.(although perhaps it would be different from what we expect)

laboratorium Al Qur'an berperan. (Quran laboratory has the role)

Dengan menyediakan segala bahan. (by providing all the materials)

Dengan cara bekerja laboran yang dilakukan. (???)

Insyaallah ide ini akan terialisasi dan menjadi kenyataan. (insyaallah, this idea will be realized)

Bukti perguruan tinggi Islam mampu mewujudkan. (as the proof that Islamic could realize)

Semoga ide ini bisa menjadi kenyataan. (I hope this idea could come true)

Malang, 11-07-2018

'Abd Al Haris Al Muhasibiy

UIN Malang Rector, Prof Dr Abdul Haris’s dream of building an Al-Quran Laboratory and Quran Interpretation really fits UIN Malang, especially to make UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang go international (world-class university). (*)

**) Ikuti berita terbaru TIMES Indonesia di Google News klik link ini dan jangan lupa di follow.

Publisher : Lucky Setyo Hendrawan
Sumber : TIMES Indonesia