
What Expert Said about Shower with Lukewarm Water in Ramadhan?

Senin, 06 Mei 2019 - 01:47 | 27.47k
Illustration-Shower with lukewarm water
Illustration-Shower with lukewarm water

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTA – Most of Indonesian used to shower with a cool water everyday since the hot and humid atmosphere. But sometimes they need some lukewarm shower or bath to refresh their body. But, do you think it's good to do it during the Ramadhan when you are on fasting? Here is what the expert said.

Lukewarm shower undeniably could refresh your mind and body at the same time. Lukewarm water could eliminate to number of oil in on our skin and make you faster and easier losing the body moisture.

"My best advice is to take shower twice in a day with a cool water, not to cool but not warm either, and use moisturized soap, avoid some detergent and other thing that could make your sky even more drier," a dermatovenereologi of Bamed Healthcare Ika Anggraini said.

Still according to her, people need to put on some body lotion on their skin. This was done as a prevention act. It easier to prevent rather than to cure. A dry skin could also make bacteria and virus easily to attach to your body.

However, avoiding shower with lukewarm water was only one from hundreds way to maintain your skin moisture, you still also need to drink lots of water after break your fasting and also before the early breakfast. Consuming lots of fruits and veggies could also help your skin body and skin stay dehydrated during Ramadhan.

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Sholihin Nur


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