TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTA – Kueh is one common food treats and munchies you could find in Indonesia. But not only in Indonesia, this mouthwatering treats has been elevated to a bakery named Hjh Maemunah in Singapore and become a fancy treat there.
Located at 20 Joo Chiat Rd, Singapore 427357, this bakery served all kind of kueh on their display case. All the kueh was made by an Indonesian with her granny’s recipe. “Been working in this place for more than 12 years. And I use my memory of Indonesian kueh taste to make all of this,” Supinah, the bakers said to CNA Insider.
Supinah has to work 8 hours in a day to make all this amazing treats. She starts working daily on 10 p.m to 6 a.m local western time. She will make dozens of tasty mouthwatering Indonesian delicacy for those hours.
Kue lapis (layered cake), onde-onde (munchy covered in sesame seed), bika, nagasari (mould filled with banana), ongol-ongol (mashed cassava in shredded coconut), wajik (sweet sticky rice with palm sugar), arem-arem (sticky rice filled with beef or chicken floss) and more could be found at Hjh Maemunah Bakery.
Tray after tray of freshly-made kueh were hand-cut then sent off for delivery. “I’ve lost track already of how many we make. I’m sure thousands of pieces every day!” Supinah laughed.
Hjh Maimunah Bakery opens daily to display the kueh from 8 a.m to 8.30 p.m. local western time. Most of their loyal customers are those Malaysian or Indonesian who happened to live or visit Singapore. (*)
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Editor | : Khodijah Siti |
Publisher | : Sholihin Nur |