Boon Pring Malang, Tourist Destination with 70 Variants of Bamboos from Around the World

TIMESINDONESIA, MALANG – Boon Pring is a water tourism surrounded by dense bamboo forest that consists of 70 variants of bamboos from around the world. This tourist attraction is organized by the locals in the village of Malang.
Boon Pring is located around 35 kilometers from Malang city. It is nestled in Sanankerto Village, Turen, to be exact. This tourist attraction has a good educational value as it as many variants of bamboos.
In addition to that, this place is suitable for any family activities, such as camping, outbound, gathering, reunion, and the list goes on.
Due to its clean, large volume of water, Boon Pring is also used as a main water source for irrigation for some village in Malang. (*)
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Publisher | : Ahmad Rizki Mubarok |