
TMR Feed Mixer Buying Guide, How to Find the Best?

Senin, 18 Oktober 2021 - 14:21 | 39.86k
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TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTA – The use of the TMR feed mixer has the potential to support adequate and balanced feeding for your livestock. But of the many products on offer, how do you choose the best? There are currently at least 25 different mixer manufacturers on the market. Each supplier seems to have done a good job in designing the ideal machine for mixing Total mixed rations or TMR.

Mixer variations also vary according to capacity, number of blades, the amount of power required, and other specifications. Now it's your job to choose, not necessarily the best, but the one that fits the conditions on your farm. So let's read the description below to get your best mixer.


Know More about TMR Feed Mixer

We'd better start this discussion by learning more about this special mixer, in general. Each supplier designs this giant machine with several indicators and evaluates based on field testing and feedback from clients. But on the whole, it is a mechanical art form that has engaged the tastes of each of the livestock industries over the years.

As the main feeding system in the dairy industry, TMR must involve nutritionists who are forged by experience so that they can produce nutritionally balanced feeds. The manager must also have a team that is disciplined in providing feed with an appropriate composition. If you only buy a machine that is considered good but does not accompany it with painstaking composition adjustments or machine maintenance, chances are that the mixer function will not be optimal. This can even be the cause of nutritional problems for your livestock.

Of course, the quality and design of the machine cannot be ignored. You have to consider the number and strength of the blades in cutting and mixing the feed. The amount of motor power, capacity, and other specifications must also be a further consideration. For example, is the TMR feed mixer capable of handling adding dry hay to pre-mixed food? Mixer capabilities must be adapted to the needs of your farm.

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Ideal TMR Feed Mixer Criteria

In addition to relying on taste, there are various considerations that you must determine when choosing a TMR feed mixer. Among what you need to pay attention to is the amount of power, the time spent looking for food, its speed, and efficiency. The mixer can ideally mix two or more feed compositions evenly. In this situation, the particles of the mixed food ingredients should be evenly distributed from the size, moisture content, and bulk density.

The engine should be able to mix "perfectly", but this may never actually happen. But you can see the good performance of the mixer by looking at the following criteria:

-    The mixer must be adaptive to various types of compositions. This is related to the mechanical movement of particles involving machine components, namely augers, chains, reels, and drums.
-    The mixer design should highlight the ability to cut or shred dry straw and mix other ingredients evenly without affecting the fiber value of the ration.
-    The use of a TMR feed mixer must prioritize safety aspects, especially the closing device and metal ladder to climb into the mixer hole.

Prioritize Consultation Before Buying

The description above ends at the conclusion, that selectively buying a quality TMR feed mixer must be balanced with the suitability of your farm conditions. So optimizing the consultation session before buying is highly recommended so that you get a machine that is something to your needs. Among the points that should be discussed at the consultation session are:

-    Recommendations for the size of the mixer needed to adjust to the capacity of the livestock.
-    Tell what type of feed will be given to livestock so that the company can recommend the right mixer.
-    Ask about the maximum operating time of the mixer per day.
-    Explain your budget so that suppliers can provide recommendations and mixer options that suit their abilities

Before the consultation session begins, don't carry an "empty head". It is recommended that you collect as much information as possible about mixers for large-scale animal feed. You are also advised to seek advice and recommendations from experienced breeders. Of course, you don't have to match the mixer your friend uses. Instead, you have to get one that matches the conditions of your farm, which may be different from other farms.

Who is the Most Recommended TMR Feed Mixer Supplier?

Several candidate suppliers have been proven to be able to provide excellent service and provide high-quality TMR feed mixers. One of them is Qingdao Jummos Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd. or in short, we can call Jummos. Our company supports the smooth running of livestock and agricultural businesses by providing high-quality livestock machinery and other related types of supplies such as silage film and bale net wrap under the Silopak brand.

You can start researching and consulting online with the Jummos Team to find the most suitable mixer for your farm. Later there will be several mixer options that you can choose according to your needs and budget. In addition to high-quality products and excellent service, our company also provides other special services, namely a one-year engine parts warranty.

Please do further research to get more information about our company. You can check our official website at www.jummos.com to see the excellent reputation and track record of the company supported by complete and transparent information.

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Editor : Deasy Mayasari
Publisher : Rochmat Shobirin