Have Your Coffee in an Old-fashioned Way at Kopi Sontoloyo Malang

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTA – The city of Malang also feels the spread of cafes in every region in Indonesia. Everyone is competing to present a unique concept, including Kopi Sontoloyo, which serves as an Old-school style cafe to attract visitors.
This well-known cafe has 3 branches, one located at Joyo Agung Street Number 184 A, Merjosari Malang. Next to the rice fields and surrounded by shady trees add more value to the beauty of this cafe.
What's more, the traditional concept also grabs the attention of visitors to come. You can feel it when you first arrive at this cafe. You will immediately see a retro-style restaurant with a tile roof and a sign that reads 'Kopi Sontoloyo.'
Kopi Sontoloyo located at Joyo Agung Street, Malang (Photo: Adam Chesar Gunawan/TIMES Indonesia)
After entering the cafe, you seem to feel the atmosphere of entering the pavilion of an ancient traditional Javanese house. The authentic tiles and wooden chairs make it feel that way.
If you step in, you will feel amazed because the atmosphere of this cafe is so homie as if it brought you the legitimate childhood memories when your were at your granny's. You can also choose several seating options to enjoy the existing menu, ranging from indoor or outdoor.
The menu served also follows the concept of this cafe, old-school style. You can order various Unjukan (drinks), such as Coffee, Wedhang, Beras Kencur, Sinom, Temulawak, Carica Ice, Milk, and many others.
Ginger Milk Coffee, of drinks offered by Kopi Sontoloyo (Photo: Adam Chesar Gunawan/TIMES Indonesia)
This cafe offers Tjemilan (snacks) and Dedhaharan (foods) to fill your stomach. These include Fried Bananas, Tempe Mendoan, Jadah, Black Sticky Rice Tape, Rawon Blonceng, Lodeh, Soto, Noodles, Srundeng Rice, and various types of processed satay, and many more menus at affordable prices.
Kopi Sontoloyo is suitable for those who want to spend the weekend with family, friends, or loved ones. Those of you who want to hold organizational meetings can also make this place an option in the future.
The old-school concept of place and foods provided by Kopi Sontoloyo has become its iconic attraction to visitors. Now, you don't have to go far to experience a cafe with a beautiful and unique concept if one is in the middle of Malang. (*)
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Editor | : Khodijah Siti |
Publisher | : Lucky Setyo Hendrawan |