
4 Best Seafood Restaurants in Banjar West Java

Rabu, 28 September 2022 - 05:12 | 43.24k
The customers enjoying their seafood at Sagala Aya Dapur Cemal-Cemil, Banjar, West Java. (Photo: Susi/TIMES Indonesia)
The customers enjoying their seafood at Sagala Aya Dapur Cemal-Cemil, Banjar, West Java. (Photo: Susi/TIMES Indonesia)
Kecil Besar

TIMESINDONESIA, BANJAR – Fresh seafood has always left certain pleasant taste on your palate. And any dishes  made of this ingredients has made lots of people in the world fallen in love to any dishes made of seafood. And this what Banjar, a small city in West Java trying to give.

This city seems to pamper all the visitors with dozens seafood restaurants which offers distinctive taste and recipes. However we will try to list you top 4 best seafood restaurants in Banjar. All of which will give you some exquisite experience of enjoying seafood on your table. Check them out.


1. Dapur Cemal-Cemil Jiemas

Located at  Jalan Dr. Sudarsono no. 39 Cimenyan I, Mekarsari, Banjar, West Java, this restaurants has become a popular place for the locals to get a set of seafood to fill their belly. They have dozens variety of seafod with different kind of sauces.

Their main signature dishes was Sagala Aya seafood. This dishes contain mix of seafood from clamps to crab, prawns, and even calamari. You could also choose the sauce whether its sweet and sour, or those sweet soy sauce with dark look, sweet and spicy, and more.

They served the seafood not on the plate but directly on the table with a wide clean plastic as the base. That includes the rice. This because the number of a set of the dish could feed around 4 to 6 people. And this way everyone could enjoy their meal without busy thinking lack of space on the table for your food.

2. VR 17

Located at Parunglesang, Banjar, the restaurant brought a professional chef to create the dishes especially the seafood. The chef formerly worked in one prestigious hotel in the country and decide to step aside from the chaotic situation of hotel restaurant when he grew old.

Yet he still keeps his skill in processing all the seafood and give his best to the customers. That makes you able to taste fancy taste of restaurant in this place. This place also quite popular with their grilled fish. This might be a perfect alternative for you who brought a member of family who doesn't enjoy the taste of seafood.

3. Rumah Kerang

Menu-seafood-Sagala-Aya-Dapur-Cemal-Cemil-Jiemas1.jpgThe seafood served at Rumah Kerang. (Photo: Rumah Kerang)

Literally the restaurant name means the house of seashells. As its name, you will find variety of seashells or even land one. You will have any kind of mollusks from clamp, oyster, scallop, mussels, and even those auger.

You could also chose your own sauce from sweet and sour, oyster sauce, or Padang sauce. This place offer such a very affordable price. You could have a set of their seafood starting from IDR 15 K, depends on the package you choose.

4. Warung Nyipud

Located at Pamongkoran Rest Area, Warung Nyipud has become another popular place in Banjar. It was located next to rest area which direct you to Pangandaran Beach. The restaurant has such a nice view of country side. You will be able to see a vast rice field all surrounding the restaurant.

All these 4 seafood restaurants in Banjar will surely wash your longing of a nice fresh seafood hanging on your palace with their very own special sauce. So, which restaurant will you choose while you were hanging around Banjar?

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Sholihin Nur