
A Cultural Odyssey: Experience the Authentic Meras Gandrung Banyuwangi

Selasa, 23 Januari 2024 - 04:18 | 23.01k
The Meras Gandrung show at Taman Gandrunf Terakota Banyuwangi. (Photo: Laila Yasmin/TIMES Indonesia)
The Meras Gandrung show at Taman Gandrunf Terakota Banyuwangi. (Photo: Laila Yasmin/TIMES Indonesia)

TIMESINDONESIA, BANYUWANGI – Embark on a captivating journey with the Meras Gandrung dance drama, an extraordinary performance narrating the arduous yet triumphant voyage of a dancer surmounting diverse challenges to attain the prestigious status of a gandrung dancer.

Adding to the allure, this mesmerizing spectacle unfolds at the unique Taman Gandrung Terakota (TGT). Nestled on the slopes of Mount Ijen, this distinctive destination spans three hectares and features hundreds of gandrung statues, creating a picturesque backdrop that enhances the immersive experience.

Muhammad Yanuarto Bramuda, the Head of Banyuwangi Department of Culture and Tourism, expressed that Meras Gandrung at TGT has become a pivotal attraction, drawing visitors to the enchanting Banyuwangi region.


The venue's distinctive charm not only showcases a rich cultural heritage but also complements the region's natural beauty. Taman Gandrung Terakota, renowned for the mesmerizing Blue Fire phenomenon in the Ijen mountainous area, provides an enchanting setting for this grand performance.

"Spectators are in for a captivating experience – witnessing a showcase of cultural heritage while enjoying the breathtaking terraced rice field views, with terracotta statues of gandrung dancers as a captivating backdrop," said Bramuda on Saturday (20/1/2024).

"Tourists can also indulge in local culinary delights and original Banyuwangi coffee," Bramuda added.


Ridho, the Program Manager of "Seni Netra" at Taman Gandrung Terakota, emphasized that the Meras Gandrung performance is part of a scheduled series of cultural activities for the year 2024.

The event not only promotes the richness of traditional art but also contributes positively to the local economic development.

"We strive to involve the community as performers, enabling them to actively participate in cultural activities. This step aims to economically empower the local community and engage them actively in cultural events," explained Ridho.

For the months of January, February, and March, the Meras Gandrung performance at TGT is free for visitors. Don't miss the opportunity to witness the beauty of art and culture presented by gandrung dancers at the Open Amphitheater, Taman Gandrung Terakota, within the Jiwa Jawa Resort Ijen Complex.

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Rizal Dani


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