English Info Haji 2024

Menag RI Appreciates Saudi Government for Excellent Cooperation during Hajj 2024

Kamis, 27 Juni 2024 - 01:36 | 4.65k
Indonesian Minister of Religious Affairs or Menag RI Yaqut Cholil Qoumas. (Photo: MCH 2024 Kemenag RI)
Indonesian Minister of Religious Affairs or Menag RI Yaqut Cholil Qoumas. (Photo: MCH 2024 Kemenag RI)

Info Haji 2024

TIMESINDONESIA, MAKKAH – Indonesian Minister of Religious Affairs or Menag RI Yaqut Cholil Qoumas expressed his gratitude and appreciation to the Saudi Arabian government for their exceptional management and innovative measures during the 1445 H/2024 M Hajj season. The Hajj 2024, which concluded smoothly, was marked by several advancements initiated by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

In a statement on Monday, June 24, 2024, Yaqut extended his thanks to King Salman and Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman for their strong leadership, which ensured the smooth execution of the pilgrimage. He acknowledged the efforts of the Saudi Ministry of Hajj and Umrah, led by Minister Tawfiq F. Al Rabiah, in implementing significant innovations that facilitated the Hajj process.

Key Innovations and Services

One notable innovation mentioned by Yaqut was the introduction of the Smart Card or Nusuk Card, which helps differentiate authorized pilgrims from unauthorized ones. This measure was instrumental in maintaining order and ensuring that only registered pilgrims could participate in the rites at Arafah, Muzdalifah, and Mina.

Yaqut also highlighted the "fast track" facility, a pre-clearance service for immigration documents such as visas and passports. Initially available only at Soekarno-Hatta Airport, the service was expanded this year to include Adi Soemarmo Solo Airport and Djuanda Surabaya Airport. This facility allowed pilgrims to proceed directly to their transportation upon arrival in Madinah or Jeddah, significantly reducing wait times and streamlining the arrival process.

Healthcare and Security Services

The Indonesian Minister lauded the healthcare services provided by Saudi Arabia, noting that the Kingdom’s hospitals were highly responsive to the needs of Indonesian pilgrims requiring urgent care. Additionally, Yaqut praised the humanistic and friendly approach of the Saudi security personnel towards Indonesian pilgrims, hoping that such exemplary conduct would continue in future Hajj seasons.

Yaqut also commended the effective communication between the Saudi and Indonesian governments, which helped keep Indonesian pilgrims’ families informed about the pilgrims' conditions and any updates during the Hajj. This seamless communication was crucial in ensuring transparency and fostering trust between the two nations.

As the Amirul Hajj for the 1445 H/2024 M pilgrimage, Yaqut Cholil Qoumas oversaw the participation of 213,320 regular Indonesian pilgrims. His firsthand observations of Saudi Arabia’s innovative measures and dedicated services underscored his deep appreciation.

On behalf of the Indonesian government and pilgrims, he extended heartfelt thanks to the Saudi leadership and the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah for their unwavering support and excellent management, making the Hajj 2024 a memorable and smoothly conducted event for all involved. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Sofyan Saqi Futaki


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