
Borobudur, One of the Iconic Temples of Indonesia

Sabtu, 15 Januari 2022 - 02:22 | 72.20k
A picturesque scenery at Borobudur. (Photo: Indonesia.travel)
A picturesque scenery at Borobudur. (Photo: Indonesia.travel)

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTA – Going for vacation is one of the effective ways to relax during your day off. Magelang is one perfect city to go, its's located in Central Java that has many kind of destinations. But, there’s one place that already famous by other tourist and this place is well known by the world as Borobudur Temple

The temple itself has around 2500 meters wide and 121.66 meters length. It width around 121.38 meters and height around 34.40 meter’s. Travel Okezone said that the name of Borobudur came was given by Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles from his book about the history of Java Islands that is the Bore-Budur.

The temple was built at year 750 BC by the orde of Dynasty Syailendra. The construction process took about 75 years long. The temples were built using millions of  stone blocks that creating three structures that contain of levels according to the Buddha’s philosophy.

In Borobudur Temple, the tourist can also visit another place like the Borobudur museum, Samudraraksa Ship museum and even MURI museum. The tourist can also taste some of the iconic dish from Magelang such as sego godog, mangut beong the humble senerek soup and lesah rice as well.

Borobudur Temple is located at Bradawati Street, Magelang Central Java. The tourist can go there by plane, car and a bus. For now, the entrance ticket can be bought online from 25k until 50k rupiahs. Visiting this place will make you feel like you were a prince or a princess while tour around the temple. So, what are you waiting for?

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Rizal Dani


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