English Info Haji 2023

Jabal Nur Makkah: The Sacred Mountain of Light

Kamis, 13 Juli 2023 - 00:21 | 236.03k
The nice view at Jabal Nur. (Photo: MCH 2023)
The nice view at Jabal Nur. (Photo: MCH 2023)

Info Haji 2023

TIMESINDONESIA, MAKKAH – Nestled in the heart of Makkah, Saudi Arabia, lies Jabal Nur, the Mountain of Light. This majestic mountain holds immense significance for Muslims around the world, as it is home to the Hira Cave where the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) received the first revelations of the Holy Quran. Jabal Nur is a symbol of profound spiritual enlightenment and stands as a testament to the beginning of Islam.

Jabal Nur, also known as the Mountain of Hira, holds a special place in Islamic history. It was within the confines of this small cave that the Angel Gabriel appeared to the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) over fourteen centuries ago. It was during the holy month of Ramadan when the first words of the Quran were revealed to him, marking the inception of the Islamic faith.

Visiting Jabal Nur is a deeply significant experience for Muslims who embark on the spiritual journey of Hajj or Umrah. Pilgrims often make it a point to visit the Hira Cave atop the mountain, reflecting upon the profound spirituality and contemplation exhibited by the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) during his time there.

The ascent to Jabal Nur is an arduous but rewarding endeavor. Pilgrims must navigate a steep path with rocky terrain, often with the help of guide ropes. Despite the physical exertion involved, the journey up the mountain is imbued with a sense of devotion and a thirst for deeper spiritual connection.

The Hira Cave of Jabal Nur


Reaching the Hira Cave is a momentous accomplishment for pilgrims. Entering the cave, one is enveloped in a sense of serenity and a deep connection to history. The simple and humble surroundings provide a stark contrast to the significance of the events that unfolded within its confines centuries ago.

Pilgrims who visit Jabal Nur often take the opportunity for introspection and personal reflection. It is a time for deep contemplation, as they ponder the significance of the revelations received in this very place and seek guidance and spiritual renewal.

Jabal Nur holds an everlasting impact on the faith and spirituality of Muslims worldwide. It serves as a reminder of the importance of seeking knowledge, enlightenment, and a deeper understanding of one's faith. It symbolizes the divine connection between Allah and humankind, reminding believers of the eternal message of the Quran.

Jabal Nur stands as a sacred mountain of light, forever etched in Islamic history and spirituality. As Muslims ascend its slopes, they embark on a journey of self-discovery, seeking spiritual enlightenment and connection to Allah. The Hira Cave at the summit serves as a powerful reminder of the Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) encounter with the divine. Standing atop Jabal Nur, one cannot help but feel the weight of history and the profound impact of the revelation that continues to resonate with believers to this day.

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Rizal Dani


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