
Robusta Coffee of Banyuwangi Goes to Foreign Countries

Jumat, 06 Desember 2019 - 05:43 | 53.47k
The Robusta coffee. (Picture by: Agung Sedana/TIMES Indonesia)
The Robusta coffee. (Picture by: Agung Sedana/TIMES Indonesia)

TIMESINDONESIA, BANYUWANGI – The Robusta coffee which was grown on Kaliselogiri of Banyuwangi and known to have a high quality has been distributed to several foreign countries such as Italy, England, Japan, and Switzerland.

The Robusta coffee which known with low acidity and high bitterness has been massively exported every year to those countries stated.

"We managed to export around 378 tons to the foreign countries. The biggest importer is Italy with 324 tons, England 36 tons, and Japan with 18 tons," the farm manager Benny Hendricrianto said on Tuesday (3/12/2019).

Still according to him, on 2019 the coffee has reached 500 tons of production. He assumed that the production could raised twice bigger on the next year.

The coffee flower has bloomed tremendously for this year that raises the possibility for the farm to harvest more coffee grain. With an intensive treatment the coffee farm believed to fulfill the need of export commodity.

"We only need to wait for the rainy season comes so all the trees and areas will we washed by the rain and it will also fertilize the land," he added.

Beside the Robusta coffee, Banyuwangi also has several other export commodities such as rice, and several farm products. These commodities influenced the local community economic level and give them another chance to have a better life. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Lucky Setyo Hendrawan


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