
Tamansuruh Banyuwangi, Your New Alternative Place to Spend Your Holiday

Senin, 09 Januari 2023 - 02:20 | 53.41k
Some visitors capture their moment between dozens of Osing traditional house at Tamansuruh Banyuwangi. (Photo: Nazar Dimas/TIMES Indonesia)
Some visitors capture their moment between dozens of Osing traditional house at Tamansuruh Banyuwangi. (Photo: Nazar Dimas/TIMES Indonesia)

TIMESINDONESIA, BANYUWANGI – Day by day, Banyuwangi started to bring out their tourist destinations to go for regional level and even international. Including the Tamansuruh, a local agritourism which will become your perfect tourist destination during this year.

This tourist destination was one of so many natural plus modern combined destination in the city. This place was expected to bring such a new atmosphere to the tourism industry in the city especially East Java.

The Nature of Taman Suruh

1. The Story Behind the Development

The area is located at Tamansuruh, Glagah, Banyuwangi, East Java. It was formerly a local tourist destination which was integrated to the famous Glagah Tourism Village. 

Seeing how great it potential is, the local Department of Public Works and Housing or known as PUPR take over the control. They turned this place into one super aesthetic destination which will be able to pamper the visitors' soul during their holiday.

This was meant to boost the growth of the local tourism industry which has been declared by the local regional government. The PUPR were trying to lift this place into a world class tourist destination to pamper domestic and foreign tourists. 

2. The Geography 

Agro-Wisata-Tamansuruh-1.jpgThe beauty of Tamansuruh Banyuwangi. (Photo: Nazar Dimas/TIMES Indonesia)

Tamansuruh is situated on 10.5 hectare areas which located on a plateau at 450 meter above the sea level. This place is surrounded with stunning view from natural elevation to slope and even lush green forest. 

You could even see the beauty of Selat Bali or Bali Strait area far away under. The cool climate makes the atmosphere so perfect to enjoy all those beautiful view.

3. The Attraction that Tamansuruh Has

This place now has been renovated and arranged in a beautiful way. Mesmerizing array of flowers and plants were patched here and there to make the place more stunning and natural. 

You could also see some farming method being applied through their educational tourism. Tamansuruh also has its own play to cultivate some local plants which you could visit.

Not to mention the new Osing traditional Houses installed by the PUPR. These traditional houses will be used as one smart village with digital library.

However, all these traditional combined modern beauty is not yet available for public. Yet, the renovation of Tamansuruh Banyuwangi had been finished. The place was estimated to be opened for public by not more than the middle of this year. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Rizal Dani


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