
Exploring Watu Ulo Beach: Where Nature and Legends Meet

Rabu, 24 Januari 2024 - 01:22 | 23.46k
The beauty of Watu Ulo during sunset. (Photo: Vladimir M/Trip Advisor)
The beauty of Watu Ulo during sunset. (Photo: Vladimir M/Trip Advisor)

TIMESINDONESIA, JEMBER – Watu Ulo Beach, situated in Jember, Indonesia, stands out as a captivating destination, drawing visitors with its unique features and rich folklore. The main attraction lies in a prominent rock that stretches into the ocean, measuring around 110 meters in length and approximately 4 meters in width—a magnetic spectacle for all who visit.

Known as Watu Ulo, this rock becomes an integral part of the beach's charm. Its surface, resembling the scales of a giant serpent, imparts a mystical and alluring ambiance to the surroundings. The rock's distinctive formation is intertwined with various legends that enhance its allure.

Legend of the Dragon Snake

The most popular legend surrounding Watu Ulo suggests that the rock is a fragment of a dragon. According to the tale, the dragon is in a state of meditation, sent by Ajisaka to engage in this spiritual practice. The belief is that the dragon will transform back into a human after completing its meditation, reinforcing the rock's serpent-like appearance.

Another version suggests that Watu Ulo was once part of a malevolent dragon named Nogo Rojo. This voracious dragon is said to have devoured various sea creatures, causing local communities to struggle with fishing. Legend has it that Raden Mursodo successfully defeated Nogo Rojo by cutting it into three parts, with its head rumored to be at Grajagan Beach in Banyuwangi and its tail in Pacitan.

Expansive Black Sand and Ticket Prices

Beyond the mystery surrounding Watu Ulo, the beach offers enchanting natural beauty, characterized by its unique black sand. The expansive black sand area contributes to a distinctive ambiance.

Looking eastward, the eyes are treated to a panoramic view of the coastline, stretching from the hills of Payangan to the Meru Betiri National Park. Watu Ulo Beach is a naturally beautiful tourist destination, rich in mystical tales and legends that add to its allure.

With a combination of natural charm and traditional stories, the beach becomes an intriguing place to explore and savor. The entrance fee is quite affordable, only IDR 10,000 on regular days, and sometimes the government offers free admission on special occasions.

Sunset Magic

While enjoying the captivating seascape, Watu Ulo also silently witnesses various weather changes. For photography enthusiasts, the sunset moment around Watu Ulo offers a mesmerizing view, creating stunning snapshots.

Although it doesn't directly face the sun, the glow of dusk and the orange hues on the horizon add to its exotic charm in the evening.

"I love this place. it's like witnessing boundless nature. The beach is so vast," expressed Lastri, a local visitor from Jember.

After exploring the beauty of the beach, visitors can continue their culinary adventure in the surrounding area. Local eateries offer delicious regional dishes, allowing you to savor the local culinary delights. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Ahmad Rizki Mubarok


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