
The Exotic Life of Dayak Kenyah in Pampang Village

Selasa, 05 Juli 2022 - 01:33 | 172.48k
Mandau dancing in Pampang Village (FOTO: Axel/TIMES Indonesia)
Mandau dancing in Pampang Village (FOTO: Axel/TIMES Indonesia)
Kecil Besar

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTA – Desa Adat Pampang, located on the edge of Samarinda City, exactly 23 kilometers from the Samarinda City Center, is one of the traditional villages that is synonymous with the cultural heritage of the Dayak tribe.

Every year, in Desa Adat Pampang, cultural festivals are always held. Especially this year, the activity became two series of events that were made into one, namely the post-harvest thanksgiving celebration and the 49th Anniversary of Desa Adat Pampang.


A total of 13 different types of traditional Dayak tribe dances successfully anesthetized hundreds of pairs of eyes who witnessed it. Not only that, the guests present were also allowed to dance together. The cohesiveness of movement and uniformity of the clothes worn by the dancers are very beautiful to the eye, especially seeing the wonderful and beautiful faces of the dancers.

Mayor-of-Samarinda-Andi-Harun-hits-the-gong.jpgMayor of Samarinda, Andi Harun hits the gong (FOTO: Axel/TIMES Indonesia)

Pampang Traditional Village is a special attraction for tourists both domestic and foreign. The reason is that in addition to the nuances of the typical culture of the Dayak tribe which are still thick, every week there is a performance in the form of an art performance. This is also based on the majority of pampang village residents are artists.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Pampang Village closed its activities for two years, now Pampang Village can display its cultural performances again, in the framework of the Post-Harvest Festival and the 49th Anniversary of Pampang Village.

This cultural festival is also confirmed to be included in the annual calendar of events in the regions, so it is not surprising that the Mayor of Samarinda, Andi Harun ensures that all the costs of its implementation will be financed by the Samarinda City APBD, where previously Pampang residents still used capital from their own funds to organizing performances and events organized by Pampang Village.

Andi Harun said that he would develop Desa Adat Pampang even better in terms of tourism infrastructure, because the infrastructure that was considered still inadequate, starting from road access to Lamin condition is the main home work of the city and local governments in developing Pampang Village. Because it is not impossible if tourists are reluctant to come to Pampang Village if the facilities and infrastructure are not improved.

Beautiful-women-of-Dayak-Kenyah.jpgBeautiful women of Dayak Kenyah (FOTO: Axel/TIMES Indonesia)

"Moreover, with the relocation of the national capital to East Kalimantan Province, this village will become very potential and can be a special attraction for local tourists and foreign to visit Pampang Village and enjoy and get to know the customs and culture of the Dayak Tribe in East Kalimantan," he said.

President of the National Dayak Traditional Assembly, Martin Billa said, the people of Pampang Village have far thought ahead by involving young people to participate in the cultural agenda. Thus, giving birth to regeneration and preserving what has long been the custom, culture and heritage of ancestors.

"I hope that there will be more attention from the government, both local and central governments for Pampang Village, because Pampang Village is the first village which is a dayak tourist destination in the capital city of East Kalimantan, its potential must continue to be developed and equipped with infrastructure," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Kenyah Dayak Tribe Custom, Esrom Palan, admitted that he strongly supports any steps taken by the government in preserving the customs and culture of the Dayak Tribe, especially in Pampang Village. He also hopes that this can be realized soon, so that the various problems that have been faced by the people of Pampang Village can be resolved immediately.

"We hope to develop this traditional activity so that many visitors come so that it can support the economy of the residents of Pampang Village. And I asked the mayor earlier to be able to renovate the Lamin Adat which is an asset of Pampang Village," he said.

The Dayak tribe and Pampang Village are one of the customs, traditions and cultures of the many cultural heritages in Indonesia that must be preserved. It is only natural that the government takes part in preserving the intellectual wealth of the Indonesian nation. "The government must not allow indigenous groups to work alone, they need to get help and support from the government and other elements of society." he said. (*)

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Editor : Faizal R Arief
Publisher : Sofyan Saqi Futaki