Fino Grande Luxury Red, Keeps the Prestige and Looks Classy

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTA – The year of 2018 requires us to be more creative and innovative so that it has an impact on an increasingly lifestyles and prestige to always look classy.
Observing the success of previous sales of Fino Grande Royal Blue, in July 2018 Yamaha gave birth to a new color of Fino Grande Luxury Red that is no less elegant and luxurious than the previous one.
"The addition of a new color to Fino Grande is to fulfill consumers' desires for other color choices and the red color selection symbolizes the luxury so that its users, especially women, can look more elegant," explained Yordan Satriadi, Deputy GM Marketing at PT Yamaha Indonesia Motor Manufacturing (YIMM).
Fino Grande is the highest class of Fino Series, which has a Stop & Start System feature, which serves to save fuel. In addition to add a more fresh color display, Fino Grande is well known as a stylish matic motorbike series from Yamaha that prioritizes user comfort and technological innovation. User comfort is supported from wide tubeless tires owned by New Fino Grande Tubeless & Wide Tires of 125 Blue Core.
For people who like to the innovation, Yamaha also applies the Blue Core technology innovation to the 125 cc Fino Grande Luxury Red engine making it looks more stunning. Blue Core technology innovation makes the motor be economical, smooth, and comfortable, so that it is very supportive for its users who want to stay classy.
Are you curious by the latest look of this Fino Grande Luxury Red? Just visit the nearest Yamaha dealer in your city or visit Yamaha Motor Indonesia's official website at, as well as official Yamaha social media: Instagram @ yamahaindonesia, Facebook: Yamaha Motor Indonesia. (*)
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Publisher | : Sholihin Nur |