
SnapCard Again Fixes Its Services for the Users Satisfaction

Rabu, 19 Desember 2018 - 10:10 | 34.07k
SnapCard. (PHOTO: www.snapcard.id)
SnapCard. (PHOTO: www.snapcard.id)

TIMESINDONESIA, MALANG – The Indonesian citizen made application, SnapCard backs to fixe services for its users. Towards the end of this year, SnapCard fixes three types of services.

"Our end of year update is increasing your business interaction with SnapCard," CEO of SnapCard, Budi Sinaga, said on Tuesday (18/12/2018).

Budi explained, SnapCard also made bug fixes and small developments. He mentioned the addition of this facility is in faster code scanning, improves display, and fixes layout me @ SnapCard as the web version from digital business cards.

"We also make improvements to the layout of AR (Augmented Reality) and update the types of starter customers, pro customers and business customers," he said.

This SnapCard is the first digital business card based on Augmented Reality technology with various interesting features. The new SnapCard application also introduces many features that focus on helping many businesses in their sales and marketing activities.

This SnapCard is one of the works of Indonesian children successfully selected in the 2017 IBT program by The Ministry of Research, Technology, & Higher Education (Kemenristek Dikti) RI. SnapCard collaborates with TIMES Indonesia (timesindonesia.co.id) as a partner in the field of publications and exclusive distributors of the regions of Indonesia and Bali. (*)

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Publisher : Rizal Dani


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