
Established Since 1935, Kue Putu Lanang Became a Legendary Snack in Malang

Kamis, 21 Februari 2019 - 22:16 | 168.94k
 Putu Lanang mixed snacks, consisting of lopis, cenil, klepon and putu. (PHOTO: Nur Aini / TIMES Indonesia)
Putu Lanang mixed snacks, consisting of lopis, cenil, klepon and putu. (PHOTO: Nur Aini / TIMES Indonesia)

TIMESINDONESIA, MALANGKue Putu (traditional cylindrical-shaped and green-colored steamed cake) is one of the legendary traditional snacks in Indonesia. Malang City in East Java is known as one of the cities that sells this snack. There is one shop called Putu Lanang, which has been established since 1935 and is located in Jalan Jaksa Agung Suprapto, Malang, sells this kind of snack.

This shop was established by Ibu Soepijah. Until now, this cake shop is one of the most favorite shops in Malang. Putu Lanang is a snack that is made of rice flour, brown sugar, and coconut. The term ‘lanang’ is given to this snack to differentiate it with Putu Ayu, which has a very different shape.

This place is always crowded with customers. Putu Lanang does not only serves Putu, but there are other traditional snacks, such as Cenil (a colorful Indonesian traditional tapioca snack), Lupis (Indonesian traditional sweet cake made of glutinous rice), and Klepon (a traditional green-colored balls of rice cake filled with liquid palm sugar and coated in grated coconut).

 “Our customers come from Malang and outside Malang, such as Jakarta and other cities outside Java,” said Iswoyo, the owner of this legendary snack shop from the second generation.

Iswoyo explained that his snack could be stored for four days as long as it is kept in the refrigerator. He also stated that his snack is always sold out every day. “We use 25 to 30 kilograms of rice, and Insyaallah, the snack is always sold out every day,” he said.

Besides Putu, Klepon has been sold since this shop was established. Meanwhile, Lupis and Cenil are its new menu in recent days. This snack costs around IDR 10,000 per portion, which contains nine pieces of snack.

Siswoyo said that Putu Lanang could sell 500 to 600 portions in three hours. All of the snacks are usually sold out in just three hours, starting from its opening hour, 5.00 p.m. WIB (Indonesian Western Time). Are you interested in trying Kue Putu Malang? Visit Putu Lanang in Jalan Jaksa Agung Suprapto, Malang. (*)

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Publisher : Rochmat Shobirin


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