
Your Kids Addicted to Video Game; Top 4 Tips for Parents

Senin, 25 Maret 2019 - 05:17 | 60.12k
Illustration-Kids addiction to game online
Illustration-Kids addiction to game online

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTA – Is your child nagging to play more video game?Become quite rude and aggressive if you asked him to come off the computer? Or he started sneaking back online when he thought nobody's looking? Missing meals and family social occasions? You better watch out. Its means your child is addicted to it.

Taken from Okezone, here are some tips for parents to overcome it.

1. Spend some quality time with your child

As a parent, you should ask your self whether have you spent enough quality time with your child. The lack of quality time could lead children to find some interesting thing to do, which is in this case is video game. Spending some quality time like taking them for a date, having dinner outside, movie time could be an alternative for you to distract them from their game.

2. Limit their screen time

Make a strict limited screen time, an hour or two in a day for instance. And tell them to obey the rule. Once they disobey the rule you should give them penalty, like taking their game for instance. At this phase, u must act strictly.

3. Give them more activities

If your children love an online warrior, offer to help them get started in a martial arts class. Children usually have a tough time feeling like they fit in on teams, but there are plenty of individual sports that may help them gain some of the skills they're drawn to in gaming. It's a healthy, real world way to get them involved socially.

4. Take them for sight seeing

Taking your children to the park or zoo will make them forget their game for a while. Taking them to an open area will make them learn to socialize, and get some fresh air. Those are several tips for you to overcome your child addiction to video game. Hope these tips will help you and stay strong!

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Lucky Setyo Hendrawan


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