
Two Junior Chess Athlete of Indonesia Got Golden Medals at the Eastern Asia Youth Chess Championship 2019

Minggu, 11 Agustus 2019 - 22:27 | 41.25k
Arjuna Satria Pamungkas, the junior chess athlete from Malang. (Picture by: Percasi Malang)
Arjuna Satria Pamungkas, the junior chess athlete from Malang. (Picture by: Percasi Malang)

TIMESINDONESIA, MALANG – Two Junior chess athletes from Malang, East Java Nayaka and Arjuna managed to bring two gold medals to their home town. These gold medal were taken from the “Eastern Asia Youth Chess Championship 2019” which was held in Bangkok, Thailand. 

Nayaka Budi Dharma (12 years old) is a first year student at the SMPN 5 (Junior High) Malang. While Arjuna Satria Pamungkas (11 years old) is a 4th year student at the SDN Mojolangu 5 (Rlemenyary School) Malang.

On the event, they both were competing with several other contestants form 18 countries in the world. The event was conducted for several days stated on August 1st to August 10th 2019.

"These boys were chosen for their skills and achievements at the national level. This decusion was made by the Percasi," The Head of Persatuan Catur Seluruh Indonesia (Percasi) for Malang, Thatit Boedisucahyo said on Saturday (10/8/2019).

Beside the gold medal, Nayaka also got two silver medals at the event. The golden medal was taken from the classic chess class for 90 minutes. And the silver medals was taken from the rapid chess and lightening chess.

Meanwhile Arjuna got each one of golden, silver, and bronze medal. The Eastern Asia Youth Chess Championship 2019 was the second international event for Nayaka, yet the first time for Arjuna. These medals takes Indonesia leading on the board with 13 gold medals, 5 silvers and 4 bronze. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Sholihin Nur


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