Enjoy All the Benefits of Sale-A-Bration Package at The ONE Legian Bali

TIMESINDONESIA, DENPASAR – The ONE Legian Hotel Bali has an interesting offer for you right on the Indonesia Independence Day. This offer what so they called as 'Sale-A-Bration' will give you lots of benefits while staying in the hotel.
"We will give all the customer special price right on the Independence Day. This offer surely will give lots of benefit to all the customers," General Manager The ONE Hotel Sang Putu Eka Pertama said.
Still according to him, this offer will be applied for all transaction on the August 17th 2019. Also, some reservation for August 17th to December 15th 2019 on that day.
By purchasing this package the customers will get some free Wi-Fi, free parking lot for the hotel guests, free access to the gym, pool and also free mineral water.
For further information about the The ONE Legian Hotel Bali and its 'Sale-A-Bration' package you could call them on +62 361 3001 101, or by WhatsApp on +62816-572-211, or by email [email protected] and visit their official website on www.theonelegian.com. You could also follow their Instagram acc @theonelegian.(*)
**) Ikuti berita terbaru TIMES Indonesia di Google News klik link ini dan jangan lupa di follow.
Editor | : Khodijah Siti |
Publisher | : Ahmad Rizki Mubarok |
Sumber | : TIMES Bali |