TIMESINDONESIA, DENPASAR – The PT Trinseo Materials Indonesia a big company which produce some plastic, latex and rubber products held a talkshow about hiw to to recycle waste in Bali Reggae Star Festival (BSRF) 2019.
The talkshow which was held in the Segara Sea Side Bar and Restaurant, Sanur, Denpasar, Bali, was held on Sunday (11/8/2019). This talkshow was an act to show their concern about the environmental sustainability.
"We have become the member of American Chemical Council's Responsible Core program since 2010, an educational institution that is responsible for health, also health and environmental safety for facilities, processes and products concern, and through this program we would like to do some recycling campaign," the President Director of PT Trinseo Materials Indonesia, Hanggara Sukandar said.
Still according to him, there are several plastic waste that could be degraded like styrofoam. And they have the technology to recycle this waste. And through the program we try to reduce the marine litter that has become an international problem.
According to Global Industri Affair and Sustainable Leader Trinseo, Walter van het Hof the society has been associated with the 3R term (Refuse, Reduce, Reise). But now rhe would like to introduce the 5R, Recovery and Recycle for the ofher two. This is a good way to tackle the plastic waste to rule the world. (*)
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Editor | : Khodijah Siti |
Publisher | : Rizal Dani |