
Kane-Kane Warung, a Food Shop with Spicy Food on All Over of It's Menu

Senin, 02 Desember 2019 - 06:16 | 34.21k
A menu you could found at Kane-Kane Warung. (Picture by: GoFood)
A menu you could found at Kane-Kane Warung. (Picture by: GoFood)

TIMESINDONESIA, MALANG – If you a spicy food lover, Kane-Kane Warung Malang could be your alternative to take your friend or family for lunch. This food shop served the local food with a homey taste.

Malang has been known well with its tourist destination and as a city with lost of universities that attract lots of students from any corner of the country even the world, this city provides dozens choice of food and beverages.

As any other food shop this place is designed with a simple look. But the hospitality of the owner will make you like you are home and your mother was the one who cook for you.

This place has lots of menus which are very affordable. You could find lots of local food which will pamper your tongue such as crispy chicken, Rawon, Squid with ink, Nasi Pecel, Spicy Smoked Fish curry, Wader Crispy, Roasted chicken and many more.

There are also several beverages which could accompany your lunch and erase your drought. This food shop is opened from 10.00 to 22.00 local western time. You could get each of the menu completed with rice for only IDR 10 K to IDR 20 K.

"I love the squid, it has the perfect texture and taste, just like when my mom made it for me. All all the condiments, they are perfect one to another," Ivone, a loyal customers of Kane-Kane Warung of Malang said. (*)

**) Ikuti berita terbaru TIMES Indonesia di Google News klik link ini dan jangan lupa di follow.


Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Sholihin Nur


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