
Visit Sendang Silowo a Public Bath in Tuban with Crystal Clear Spring Water for Free

Sabtu, 28 Desember 2019 - 05:03 | 68.98k
The exotic scenery at Sendang Silowo Tuban. (Picture by: Achmad Choirudin/TIMES Indonesia)
The exotic scenery at Sendang Silowo Tuban. (Picture by: Achmad Choirudin/TIMES Indonesia)
Kecil Besar

TIMESINDONESIA, TUBANTuban has been known to have all beautiful and exotic natural attraction on every corner of the city. Sendang Silowo, a public bath with a beautiful scenery is one of them.

Located in Mandirejo village, Merakurak, Tuban this public bath has a wonderful crystal clear water. The water came from a local spring not far from the area.


There are lots of sago palm surrounding the area. It makes the pool look like located in the middle of Amazon forest with hundreds of chirping birds singing their song.

The Sendang Silowo could be reach within 15 to 25 minutes from the city center of Tuban. Several gazebos were also provided by the management for the visitors to rest.

"It also has a kids pool. And also a pool with dozens of fish that will make you relax while enjoying them swimming here and there," Sudarsono a local visitor said on Friday, (27/12/2019).

You could enter this place for free. The local management of Sendang Silowo Tuban will not charge you for entering their area. They only provide a box for those who willingly to donate some money for the area development. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Lucky Setyo Hendrawan