
Dewa Batik Made a Recommended Banyuwangi Headdress

Selasa, 04 Februari 2020 - 02:16 | 126.32k
Several ladies created handmade Banyuwangi headdresses at Dewa Batik Production House, Gladag, Rogojampi, Banywangi. (Picture by: Roghib Mabrur/TIMES Indonesia)
Several ladies created handmade Banyuwangi headdresses at Dewa Batik Production House, Gladag, Rogojampi, Banywangi. (Picture by: Roghib Mabrur/TIMES Indonesia)
Kecil Besar

TIMESINDONESIA, BANYUWANGI – If you are looking for Banyuwangi headdress, this product of Dewa Batik could be a recommended product for you.

Dedy Wahyu Hernanda, the owner of Dewa Batik took several local unemployed women to work with him at his workshop to make some Banyuwangi headdress.



It was his concern to the ladies that make him bring his idea to the surface to create and use local workers especially the woman to work with him.

He started his business on 2018. Most of Banyuwangi headdresses will come in a piece of cloth that still need to be shaped and tied manually.

Lots of people complained about it. Then he came up with the idea to create a simple headdress which only need a second to put it on your head.

"It was actually just started from a hobby. But then, the order became exploded and then I make it as my business," Dedy said on Monday (3/2/2020).


For each of the headdress, it will cost you around IDR 35 K to IDR 350 K depends on the Batik it made of.

Dewa Batik also served an online order on Instagram. Dedy also take an order from the local Tourism Department of Banyuwangi for the headdress. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Sholihin Nur