
Es Selendang Mayang, the Traditional Dessert from Betawi

Sabtu, 30 Mei 2020 - 07:11 | 898.95k
Es Selendang Mayang, a traditional dessert from Betawi. (PHOTO: wowkeren)
Es Selendang Mayang, a traditional dessert from Betawi. (PHOTO: wowkeren)
Kecil Besar

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTAEs Selendang Mayang is a traditional dessert from Betawi that is rare to find.

It has a sweet-savory taste from the palm sugar and coconut milk.


This dessert is made of Hunkwe flour (mung bean flour), and red and green-colored sago flour. This dessert looks like a layer cake.

In fact, this traditional dessert has been popular since the Dutch colonial era.

To find and enjoy this dessert, you can go to the village area in Betawi or Kota Tua, Jakarta.

You cannot go there to find this dessert? Fret not! In fact, you can easily make this dessert at home. Here is the recipe of Es Selendang Mayang from Cookpad.


500 ml coconut milk
1 pandan leaf
50 gr Hunkwe flour
25 gr rice flour
1/4 teaspoon vanilla
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoon white sugar
Pandan paste
Red food coloring

Topping sauce ingredients:
150 gr palm sugar
50 gr white sugar
100 ml water
1 pandan leaf

Gravy ingredients:
250 ml coconut milk (150 ml coconut milk + water)
A pinch of salt
1 pandan leaf

Cooking method:
1. Put coconut milk, white sugar, Hunkwe flour, rice flour, vanilla and salt into a container. Mix them well and bring it to a boil.

2. Divide the mixture into five equal parts
Add pandan paste to one part

Add red food coloring to another part

Then leave the rest of the parts just as they are (white colored)

3. Pour the green-colored mixture into the baking sheet (cover the base with a plastic first), then pour the white-colored mixture, and the red-colored mixture last.

How to make the sauce:
Put all the sauce ingredients into a container. Bring it to a boil and let the sugar melt.

How to make the gravy:
Mix all the gravy ingredients and bring it to a boil. Keep stirring them so that the coconut milk will not curdle.

Serve the dessert with its sauce, coconut milk, and some ice cubes. Enjoy this traditional dessert of Indonesia!. (*)

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Publisher : Sofyan Saqi Futaki