
Jenang, a Wonderful Taste of Sticky Indonesian Toffee

Senin, 01 Juni 2020 - 03:34 | 105.94k
The exotic look of Jenang, a toffee like made of glutinous rice cake. (Photo: Muhammad Dhani Rahman/TIMES Indonesia) 
The exotic look of Jenang, a toffee like made of glutinous rice cake. (Photo: Muhammad Dhani Rahman/TIMES Indonesia) 

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTA – Almost every area in Indonesia has their very own Jenang, or Indonesian toffee which made of glutinous rice. It taste also almost similar to one another. Yet they way they served it is what makes this treat becomes more eccentric.

The local community in Maluku will call this tret as Asida. Whereas in Central Java, some people will call this as Kue Lompong with a little bit touch of paddy flour. In West Java this treats popular with Dodol. And asin East Jav, the local community will call it as Jenang.

The local community of East Java will sometimes add some ginger on the process of cooking to make the taste stronger. They will spibkles some sesame seeds on top of it as it will also make the taste even more rich and delicious.

Some local community in Batu even will added some apple paste to it. As Batu, Malang, East Java is well known with green apple fruit. "Its a festive treats, so almost everyone in Batu will serve this treat at their house during a celebration," Suliono, a Chief of Tulungrejo village Bumiaji, Batu said.

Some local community in Batu will even work together to make the Jenang. They will use a huge wok put on a traditional mud stove with wood as the fuel. As it cooks in a huge pan, it needs more energy to stir the Jenang till they get the right consistency. However, most of them will willingly do it and even voluntarily help them without even asked. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Sholihin Nur


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