
This is How Sheraton Mustika Yogyakarta Celebrated Their Reopening

Senin, 06 Juli 2020 - 04:20 | 86.56k
Harry Suryadharma, the Manager of Sheraton Mustika Yogyakarta and Top Three Puteri Indonesia 2020 (Indonesia-Miss Universe Pageant) during a talkshow at one of the corners of the hotel. (PHOTO: Hendro S. Baskoro/TIMES Indonesia)
Harry Suryadharma, the Manager of Sheraton Mustika Yogyakarta and Top Three Puteri Indonesia 2020 (Indonesia-Miss Universe Pageant) during a talkshow at one of the corners of the hotel. (PHOTO: Hendro S. Baskoro/TIMES Indonesia)
Kecil Besar

TIMESINDONESIA, YOGYAKARTASheraton Mustika Yogyakarta Resort & Spa invited Top 3 Indonesian beauty Pageant Winner of Puteri Indonesia 2020 to join them to celebrate their reopening. Those three are Ayu Maulida, Putu Ayu Saraswati and Jihane Almira.

Ayu Maulida is the Puteri Indonesia 2020 which will go to Miss Universe Pageant. Putu Ayu Saraswati is first runner up as well as the Miss Environment and Jihane Almira is the second runner up which also as Miss Tourism.



They also cooperate with the foundation which holds Puteri Indonesia pageant, and the brand supporting it, Mustika Ratu. This all was to bring back the tourism industry in the country as well to attract more visitor and to gain customers trust toward their Resort and Spa.

“We are so honored to have them three to be our first customers during this reopening,” Harry Suryadharma, the Manager of Sheraton Mustika Yogyakarta said on Friday (3/6/2020).


Still according to him, they will also take all three beautiful ladies to visit several tourist destinations in Yogyakarta. Of course, by implementing a strict health protocol, to ensure these three beauties safe and secure.

 During their stay at the resort, the management checked their body temperature occasionally. They also provide each of their room with personal sanitizer kit such as hand sanitizer, wet wipe, and mask. They also do the same protocol for their staff and employee and disinfect all the corner of the area once every 2 hours.

With a beautiful natural scenery surrounding the resort, Sheraton Mustika Yogyakarta Resort and Spa doesn’t charge their guests much. They will only charge you for IDR 600 K/night. The also have an interesting offer of pay one night and gets two night of stay. Amazing isn’t it?. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Sofyan Saqi Futaki