
Have a Wonderful Boat Tour at Floating Market of Transport Museum Batu

Selasa, 08 September 2020 - 03:26 | 46.66k
A vintage mini boat brings the visitors for a tour at floating market of Transport Museum, Batu, East Java. (PHOTO: Muhammad Dhani Rahman/TIMES Indonesia)
A vintage mini boat brings the visitors for a tour at floating market of Transport Museum, Batu, East Java. (PHOTO: Muhammad Dhani Rahman/TIMES Indonesia)

TIMESINDONESIA, BATUTransport Museum of Batu offers you a new sensation of tour by riding a mini boat around their floating market. You will feel like you are in your very own cruise and enjoying a fancy experience of dropping by each shop at the market.

Lots of people have tried this experience and fall in love to it. They even come back for the same experience for they love it. Some local celebrities also come to this place just to have this experience.


“We will bring you new attractions once every six month just to pamper you all. We have several design of boat to match your taste,” Nunuk Liantin, the Assistant Sales and Marketing Manager of Transport Museum said.

To ride this boat, you only need to pay a very affordable additional fee for IDR 10 K. you could handle it by yourself and ride it as you like to wherever you go. “It’s so easy to handle,” Soni a local visitor said.

Besides enjoying your tour on boat at floating market of Transport Museum Batu, you could also order some local dishes and beverage they have at each shop. What do you think? Interesting isn’t it? (*) 

**) Ikuti berita terbaru TIMES Indonesia di Google News klik link ini dan jangan lupa di follow.


Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Sofyan Saqi Futaki


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