Prof Hikmahanto Juwana towards the Provisional Government: It’s Beyond the Principle, Its Treason

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTA – Pof. Hikmahanto Juwanto SH LL.M PhD a professional international law expert shares his knowledge about the provisional government issue raise in Papua. He stated his mind about the separatism act done by those pro OPM (Organisasi Papua Medeka).
On December 1 2020, the OPM or the Free Papua Movement has created a provisional government. OPM along with UMWLP declare the decision without further fix place date and time notice.
On behalf of this issue, Hikmahanto stated his view about this issue. According to him there is no legal principle in international law that supports this kind of act. That why it’s rejected by the country.
Speaking about the Pacific countries that support them to be free, Hikmahanto said that those things couldn’t be a benchmark for this kind of issue. Those will only weaken their relationship with Indonesia.
Prof Hikmahanto Juwana also suggests the government just to ignore those acts conducted by those groups. He also said that the police and army could take an action against those groups which set provisional government in Papua for the act is considered as treason. (*)
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Editor | : Khodijah Siti |
Publisher | : Sofyan Saqi Futaki |