
Ms Glow, Your Indonesian Beauty Secret

Kamis, 24 Desember 2020 - 03:22 | 154.63k
The founder and owner of Ms Glow, Shandy Purnamasari poses with Indonesia Best Brand Award (IBBA) 2020 on her hand on Tuesday (22/12/2020). (Personal Document of Shandy)
The founder and owner of Ms Glow, Shandy Purnamasari poses with Indonesia Best Brand Award (IBBA) 2020 on her hand on Tuesday (22/12/2020). (Personal Document of Shandy)
Kecil Besar

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTA – As a new company, Ms Glow must to be very proud to have been granted with such prestigious award as Indonesia Best Brand Award (IBBA) 2020. They have been granted an award for Exclusive Facial Treatment.

Indonesia Best Brand Award (IBBA) 2020 was presented by SWA Magazine along with MARS Digital Indonesia.  This award was given to all brands in Indonesia who have been managed to climb up to success and bring their product to popularity.


“We are very thankful for all of the trust and loyalty given by all the beauties (how MS Glow call their loyal customers). It’s all because of you that we could have this award of IBBA 2020,” The founder and owner of Ms Glow, Shandy Purnamasari said on statement.

Shandy also said that according to a data by IBBA MS Glow has become one Top of Mind Brand which means it was the most popular brand amongst other at the moment. It makes this brand sit on the Top Best Brand in Indonesia.

Shandy also explained that in the future, his company will keep trying to innovate and adapt with the newest technology to create best beauty products for their customers. They commit to produce a safe product with best quality.

No wonder, with all being said, Ms Glow becomes the secret of Indonesian Beauty, beside Ms Glow, there are several others company in any major industry received the same award of Indonesia Best Brand Award (IBBA) 2020. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Sofyan Saqi Futaki