
Tahu Susu, a Medium Tofu of Kuningan with Delicate Taste

Selasa, 05 Januari 2021 - 01:04 | 82.79k
The fried medium tofu of Kuningan. (PHOTO: Dede Sofiyah/TIMES Indonesia)
The fried medium tofu of Kuningan. (PHOTO: Dede Sofiyah/TIMES Indonesia)

TIMESINDONESIA, KUNINGAN – Kuningan has such a nice product of medium tofu that has been well known by the local community. They commonly called it as tahu susu. You could find it easy in Kuningan, but you could also find this kind of tofu around Cirebon, West Java.

As any other tofu, tahu susu was made of soy bean with some milk added in it. That’s why it was named tahu susu (milk tofu). It is high in protein and has a soft texture but not as soft as soft tofu or silken tofu but not as firm as firm tofu.


The taste is so delicate that will make want some more especially when you have it right after it came out of frying pan. It’s just so good to be a companion food on your picnic or travel.

In Cirebon, you could find it around Plered-Sumber area. “The milk added in to it make the tofu has a soften texture,” Johan Rohana, an employee of tahu susu in Cirebon said.

In a day Rohana could sell around 3000 pieces of tahu susu for his costumers. He even could sell more up to 6000 pieces in weekend or holiday. For 3 pieces of fried tahu susu you could have it for IDR 2 K. A very affordable price for such a real local taste of delicacy.

“It’s a bless that there are lots of people love the delicate taste. It’s good for you for it has so much protein in it,” Rohana of Cirebon explained about the tahu susu or medium tofu of Kuningan. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Rizal Dani


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