
Several Tourist Destinations You could Visit at Ciamis

Jumat, 15 Januari 2021 - 05:22 | 59.77k
Enchanting tourist destination in Ciamis.
Enchanting tourist destination in Ciamis.

TIMESINDONESIA, CIAMISCiamis, West Java has lots of tourist destination you could visit during your weekend. All of them has their own beauty to attract the visitors. These destinations has become the most favorite place to go for the locals. Here are he list.

Situwangi Kawali

Located at Winduraja, Kawali, Ciamis, West Java, Situwangi or Scented Lake could be said as the iconic tourist destination at the city. It has lots of picturesque spot for selfie.

Astana Gede Kawali

For you who love some history, Astana Gede is the right place for you to go. This place tells you more about Galuh Kingdom of Ciamis back then. Heresais, this place was the house of Putri Diah Pitaloka, the most beautiful princess in Java at then.

Ciung Wanara Karangkamulyan

Located at Karangkamulyan, Cijeungjing, Ciamis, West Java Ciung Wanara was also one popular historical places in Ciamis. The story was told and recap as a drama for its beauty. 

Curug 7

Could be reached within 35 kilometer of the city centre this place is located at Nanggela, Sandingtaman, Panjalu, Ciamis. This place offers you a stunning beauty of 7 side to side waterfalls.


It's a beautiful lush pine forest in Ciamis. This tourist destination offers a beautiful scenery and night atmosphere of the city from above. This place is very suitable for camp ground or othe outdoor activities. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Sofyan Saqi Futaki


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