
UIN Malang Shares You some Tips on How to Gain More Self Esteem

Jumat, 05 Februari 2021 - 01:12 | 14.72k
Fuji Astutik.,M.Psi., a psychologistas well a The Manager of Psicodiagnostic Laboratory of UIN Malang. (Photo: Fuji Astutik for TIMES Indonesia)
Fuji Astutik.,M.Psi., a psychologistas well a The Manager of Psicodiagnostic Laboratory of UIN Malang. (Photo: Fuji Astutik for TIMES Indonesia)

TIMESINDONESIA, MALANG – Gaining more self esteem sometimes difficult gor some people. But with this tricks of Fuji Astutik.,M.Psi., a psychologist and a lecturerat Psychology Faculty of UIN Malang you will find it so easy to do.

Some people need a hard work and extra effort to have make them feel more confidentin social life. These tips will help you to be more confident and aware of your own capabilities. Check those tricks out.

Stop comparing yourselves

Belive that you were born with such a great potential. Believe that you are extraordinary and have your own way to make yourselves shine. Do not compare yourselves with others for you are you.

For instance, if you are good at singing, never compare yourselves to those who good at painting or math. Just focus on what can you do not what you can't. 

Challenge yourself

Believ that you have more capability that what you have now. Challenge yourself to do things you never did before. Erase all those negative thoughts and just believe that you could do beyond your capability.

Open yourselves to critics

Taking someone else's critics doesn't mean that it will make you stand down to them. Critics will make you stand stronger and better.

Take those critics with positive feedback. Don't be easily offended to someone. Those who hate will hate, no matter when you're good or bad. 

These tricks will help you at least to state your mind and have more self esteem. It will help you be brave and able to handle yourself in front of others.

"Its us who could determine what we are. Nobody's perfect. But that doesn't mean that stay down, be brave and show yourselves," this lecturer of UIN Malang said to encourage people about self esteem. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Sofyan Saqi Futaki


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