English Indonesia Bangkit

Enjoy a Buffet Style Breakfast in a Beautiful Garden of Klub Bunga Butik Resort Batu

Sabtu, 13 Maret 2021 - 05:27 | 82.35k
The guests enjoying their breakfast at the Garden of Klub Bunga Butik Resort. (Photographs: Klub Bunga Butik Resort for TIMES Indonesia).
The guests enjoying their breakfast at the Garden of Klub Bunga Butik Resort. (Photographs: Klub Bunga Butik Resort for TIMES Indonesia).

Indonesia Bangkit

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTAKlub Bunga Butik Resort offers a nice experience of breakfast in the morning at their garden. This will be an  unforgettable experience you could have. The nice atmosphere and morning sunlight be your best companion during this time.

Before, Klub Bunga Butik Resort choose to serve their breakfast at Gladiol Restaurant which happen to be at the same location. This will be a beautiful experience to have.

The beautiful morning sunshine and with cool climate of Batu has gave them another video to serve breakfast to their guests and customers. The pool next to the garden will give you an enchanting poolside view.

Klub Bunga Butik Resort 2

"We hope hat it could pleased the guests. Wit will give them such a new experience and nuance of buffet style breakfast," Heru Pamudi, the Assistant of F&B Manager of Klub Bunga Butik Resort said.

The breakfast will be started right after morning exercise which has become a morning routine of the resort. "They could go for breakfast at the Polside right after the morning routine," Heru added.

There will be lots of dish you could find at the buffet style. They have Soto Daging, Nasi Tumpang, Nasi Pecel and Lontong Cap Go Meh along with several other companions dishes.

Klub Bunga Butik Resort 3

If you were not staying at this hotel but you still want to have your breakfast at this hotel you could have it for IDR 98 K/pax. This breakfast will be served at 6.30 in the morning.

For more information or reservation about this buffet style breakfast of Klub Bunga Butik Resort you could call them at +62341-594777. You could email them [email protected].

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Sholihin Nur


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