
Exclusive Offer from Favehotel Kuta Kartika Plaza to Commemorate the Day of Silence

Minggu, 14 Maret 2021 - 06:22 | 54.71k
Favehotel Kuta Kartika Plaza to commemorate the Day of Silence 2021 on 14 March 2021. (PHOTO: Favehotel Kuta Kartika Plaza)
Favehotel Kuta Kartika Plaza to commemorate the Day of Silence 2021 on 14 March 2021. (PHOTO: Favehotel Kuta Kartika Plaza)

TIMESINDONESIA, BALI – This March is a special month for the Hindus in Bali Island. On 14 March 2021, Favehotel Kuta Kartika Plaza presents a special offer to commemorate the Day of Silence 2021.

The Day of Silence, which is also known as Nyepi, is a day reserved for self-reflection. On this day, anything that might interfere with that purpose is restricted. The main restrictions are no lighting fires, no working, no travelling, and no entertainment.

fave bEnjoy the swimming pool access at Favehote Kuta Kartika Plaza (PHOTO: Favehotel Kuta Kartika Plaza)

To commemorate the Day of Silence, Favehotel Kuta Kartika Plaza offers a special package for the visitors to enjoy the serenity of the Day of Silence. This package covers a 3D2N stay for IDR 888,000.

This package also includes breakfast for two days, welcome drink, lunch and dinner on 14 March 2021, movie entertainment, swimming poll access and free WiFi.

fave cFavehotel Kuta Kartika Plaza (Photo: Favehotel Kuta Kartika Plaza)

 “Nyepi is a sacred day for the Hindus in Bali. The pandemic does not decrease the enthusiasm for the visitors to enjoy the serenity of this sacred day,” said Ni Luh Ratna Dewi, the Hotel Manager of Favehotel Kuta Kartika Plaza.

This special package from Favehotel Kuta Kartika Plaza will be a perfect choice for those who want to commemorate and enjoy the sacred Day of Silence 2021. (*)

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Publisher : Rizal Dani


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