
Learn How to Pick the Best Strawberry at Lumbung Stroberi

Selasa, 02 November 2021 - 02:36 | 69.65k
The visitor took a moment to take a picture after picking the strawberry at Lumbung Stroberi, Batu.(Photo: Alya Auranty Faradhisa/ TIMES Indonesia) 
The visitor took a moment to take a picture after picking the strawberry at Lumbung Stroberi, Batu.(Photo: Alya Auranty Faradhisa/ TIMES Indonesia) 

TIMESINDONESIA, MALANG – Have you ever had an exotic experience of picking out strawberry directly from its vine? Well, you could have this experience by visiting Lumbung Stroberi, a strawberry farm located in Batu, East Java. This will give you an unforgettable lifetime moments you could share with your loved ones.

Well, it might be a common thing to have around April or June, but Lumbung Stroberi has another way to pamper their visitor by providing fresh ready to pick strawberry in any season. It's a luck that Indonesia only have two seasons--rain and summer-- where both season could be the best season to grow strawberry. 

Located at Pandan, Pandanrejo, Bumiaji, Batu, East Java, Lumbung Stroberi was situated on 8 hectares area. This farm is managed by Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDes) Raharjo with the help of local youth community. 

"We gathered all the strawberry from the farmer. We bought them around 55.000-65.000 per kg, depends on the season," Yonathan,  a crew at Lumbung Stroberi said.

StrowberryThe nice look of strawberry at Lumbung Stroberi,  Batu. (Photo: Alya Auranty Faradhisa/ TIMES Indonesia)

Lumbung Stroberi was established in late 2018. Since then this place has become one popular place to get the freshest strawberry especially by the local community. Lots of people has come to this place not only to taste the strawberry but also to get the experience of picking the strawberry with their very now hands.

Lumbung Stroberi opens daily from 09.00-17.00 local western times. However, you need to book the ticket in advance, at least 3 days earlier to make sure they have some stocks.

To get in this place you will be charge for IDR 25 K/pax. You will be eligible to taste 5 of their best strawberry. You will be accompanied by local tour guide. And to bring the strawberry of Lumbung Stroberi you could purchase it for IDR 6 K/ounce. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Sholihin Nur


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