
Curug Luhur Offers the Natural Beauty of Waterfall

Minggu, 21 November 2021 - 01:25 | 52.93k
Curug Luhur, a waterfall located at Cimanggu, Langkaplancar, Pangandaran, West Java. (Photo : Pemdes Cimanggu)
Curug Luhur, a waterfall located at Cimanggu, Langkaplancar, Pangandaran, West Java. (Photo : Pemdes Cimanggu)
Kecil Besar

TIMESINDONESIA, PANGANDARAN – For you who long to find a new natural scenery and play with water, then Curug Luhur of  Cimanggu, Langkaplancar, Pangandaran, West Java could be a perfect alternative to go. This place offers a natural beauty of waterfall which will make you drop your jaw.

Curug Luhur was formerly just a waterfall that located in remote area covered by two hills in each side. This waterfall nestled in the middle of the forest which hear said become an enchanted forest fill with mystical powers and some ghost stories.


There were few people passing by for they were afraid of the stories.  But as the modern day comes and technology spread all over the world, lots of people who pass by took some moment and post some of their best picture playing on Curug Luhur on their social media.

Thus then attract more people to visit this waterfall. With this, the local village administrator decided to manage the area and made it as one of interesting tourist destinations. "Their posts on social media makes people coming to this place for the beauty," Dede Efendi, The Chief of the village said on Monday (15/11/2021).

The waterfall offers a mesmerizing view of high and wide waterfall with several levels. This make it look like a river from heaven. "The level of the waterfall, the fresh air, and the lush green trees has hypnotize them to keep coming back to this place," Dede added.

The local government has planned to manage this place to be one solid tourist destination in the future. For now, they have constructed a new road to ease the visitors' access to Curug Luhur. "We work on the renovation so this waterfall could become one iconic destination in the area," Dede ended. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Sholihin Nur