
Daily Buffet Dinner, the Unforgettable Dining Experience at Whiz Prime Hotel Malang

Rabu, 29 Desember 2021 - 04:25 | 46.72k
Daily Buffet Dinner by Whiz Prime Hotel in Malang. (PHOTO: Ratu Bunga/TIMES Indonesia)
Daily Buffet Dinner by Whiz Prime Hotel in Malang. (PHOTO: Ratu Bunga/TIMES Indonesia)

TIMESINDONESIA, MALANG – Family dining can be a perfect tradition to enjoy during the end of the year. Many restaurants are serving the family dining services to celebrate this festive season, such as the one in Whiz Prime Hotel Malang

Whiz Prime Hotel Malang, a hotel located in the center of city, is ready to give you the best family dining experience with the strict health and safety protocols. Whiz Prime presents Daily Buffet Dinner, where you can enjoy a wide variety of delicious dishes, such as cream soup, roasted chicken, various pasta menus, waffle, free flow iced tea, and the list goes on for only IDR 75,000. 

Daily Buffet Dinner bChristmas tree at Whiz Prime Hotel Malang. (PHOTO: Rayu Bunga/TIMES Indonesia)

This family dining is also suitable for families with children. However, the entrance fee for children between 5 and 10 costs IDR 50,000, and it is free for children under 5. 

There are tables provided for children who want to be joining donut decorating competition. There will be chocolate sprinkles, apron, and plastic hand gloves. The winner of this competition will win a parcel of snacks. 

This series of events will be available at Whiz Prime from 20 to 30 December 2021. Celebrate your Christmas with your family, relatives and friends in Daily Buffet Dinner by Whiz Prime Hotel Malang located on Jalan Basuki Rahmat 84-87, Malang. Family dining can be a perfect tradition to enjoy during the end of the year. Many restaurants are serving the family dining services to celebrate this festive season, such as the one in Whiz Prime Hotel Malang. (*)

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Publisher : Ahmad Rizki Mubarok


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