
Check These New Attractions of Jatim Park 2

Senin, 03 Januari 2022 - 03:11 | 96.60k
Jatim Park 2 built some more attraction to pamper their visitors. (Photo: Muhammad Dhani Rahman/TIMES Indonesia)
Jatim Park 2 built some more attraction to pamper their visitors. (Photo: Muhammad Dhani Rahman/TIMES Indonesia)
Kecil Besar

TIMESINDONESIA, MALANG – To begin the New Year o 2022, Jatim Park 2 of Batu, East Java intended to pamper their visitors with some new attractions. One of them is what so they called as The Rimba Pet.

On this zone, you will be taken to love some of domesticated wild animal or even tame one. Those pets such as eagle, cat, dog and more. These pets will cherish your moment of holiday with your family and friends.


"We add new attractions at Jatim Park 2 in the beginning of 2022. We have he Rimba Pet Hall, where you could play with all domesticated animals," the Manager Marketing and Public Relation Jawa Timur Park, Titik S Ariyanto said.

Jawa Timur Park II 2

In addition, Jatim Park 3 also added a new attraction they called Happy Kids Zone. This attraction is quite affordable for you could enjoy it for IDR 50 K. It's quite affordable regarding to what the attraction has to offer for your kids.

In this zone, the kids will be able to explore their passion with toys. It has mini go-cart and more to fed the need of children to explore their soul with toys. They could also dance with beautiful fairies in this zone.

Jawa Timur Park II 3

Just make sure you have been vaccinated and follow the safety guidelines Jatim Park 2 and Jatim Park 3 has. Have fun with your family and enjoy your holiday. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Sholihin Nur