
Experience the 90's Atmosphere at HARRIS Hotel & Convention Malang

Rabu, 05 Januari 2022 - 01:20 | 58.14k
Gigantic Snake and Ladder, a legendary game in 90's you could find at HARRIS Hotel & Convention Malang. (Photo: Doc. HARRIS Hotel & Convention for TIMES Indonesia)
Gigantic Snake and Ladder, a legendary game in 90's you could find at HARRIS Hotel & Convention Malang. (Photo: Doc. HARRIS Hotel & Convention for TIMES Indonesia)

TIMESINDONESIA, MALANGHARRIS Hotel & Convention Malang trying to pamper their guests by giving them some nice 90's experience. You will find a nice 90's atmosphere from the 90's game to the room ambience while staying in this hotel.

The most eye catching thing once you enter the hotel was the gigantic snake and ladder board that you could play with your friends. It has a huge dice and the token will be you.  As any other snake and ladder game, ladder will take you up and snake will take you down. The traps will make it more fascinating and fun to play.

HARRIS Hotel 2Another traditional game in 90's at HARRIS Hotel & Convention Malang. (Photo: Doc. HARRIS Hotel & Convention Malang)

HARRIS Hotel & Convention also presents a nice atmosphere of 90's market. On the market you will find some dishes from appetizer, main course to deserts. The restaurant also take parts by designing adding some local, Chinese, and mix culture that suit for a fancy dining or any special occasion.

HARRIS Hotel & Convention also offers a nice package for sty for IDR 2.122 K/night. by taking this package you will be eligible to enjoy free breakfast and dinner for two. You will be given a free access to play with the gigantic snake and ladder board and some other game they put in 5 different meeting rooms.

"These 90's games become a key point for the hotel. We also implement a good safety guidelines to allow the family keep doing their activities together," Gledy Webyansyah, Marketing Communication of HARRIS Hotel & Convention Malang said. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Sofyan Saqi Futaki


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