Gulai Ikan Semah, Another Way to Have Carp on Your Table

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTA – Have you ever taste carp served in thick curry gravy? Well then, if you havent, you need to visit Haza Resto & Café in Jambi. This restaurant will given you an authentic carp curry. And in this restaurant the dish is known as Gulai Ikan Semah.
Semah is also well known as Tor or Mahseer in some country. They lived in fresh water, a river or lake. Semah is still a family of carp. Aside from Indonesia, you could find this fish in Vietnam, China, some country in South East Asia, Sri lanka, Pakistan, and Afghanistan.
To reach a full grown carp, semah need around 2 to 3 year to grow. The biggest semah or Tor ever found in the world was around 2,75 meter (9 feet) long and 54 kg weight. However, the semah used by Haza Resto & Café in this Gulai will only weight around 1 kg.
Back then, for its nice taste and the difficulty of finding this kind of semah in Jambi, this dish was only served for the royal family. And up until now they have to get the fish from Batang Meringin river, Kerinci, Jambi.
"Semah is quite uniqque. And Kerinci is the only hperfect habitat where they can live and grow. And to get it, you need to dive down the river at night and use some spears to get them," Zainal Abidin, the owner of Haza Resto and Café said on Tuesday (8/3/2022).
Located at Jalan H. Bisri, Jambi this restaurant will served the gulai ikan semah in tasty yellowish thick curry gravy. They will add certain local ingredients like bird eye chili, salt, galangal, ginger, shallot, garlic, and coconut milk. This dish will bring a nice tangy yet tasty savory curry which make you dig for more.
Haza Resto & Café of Jambi will charge the gulai ikan for IDR 36 K/100 gram. It's nothing compared to the real price of semah which also known as tor or mahseer in the global market. The price of this carp will cost you qaround IDR 3 to 5 Million per kilograms in foreign countries.
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Editor | : Khodijah Siti |
Publisher | : Rizal Dani |