
Es Campur, Best Companion during the Hottest Day of Summer

Sabtu, 16 April 2022 - 05:24 | 138.06k
The tasty invigorating Es campur. (Photo: sajiansedap.grid)
The tasty invigorating Es campur. (Photo: sajiansedap.grid)
Kecil Besar

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTA – An invigorating and refreshing drink has always been a best companion during summer. And in Indonesia, Es Campur has been widely known as one beverages that suit to this situation. Beside the easy way to find some tropical ingredients, the taste has become one thing that made the local fallen in love to it.

Here, we will share you some easy recipe of how to make tasty es campur with prominent taste. But make sure you live to some Asian store which provides some groceries to ease get the ingredients. Withou tany further do, lets check the recipe.



1 kg sugar

1 liter water

Vanilla essence

Shredded ice cube

1 can of condensed milk

1 pack Sweet bread (diced)

1 glass of diced grass jelly

250 kg fermented cassava or tapai

1 glass of tapioca pearl (simmered)

1 Tapioca jelly (ready to serve)


1. Put the water, sugar and vanilla essence into a pan. Bring it into a boil. Stir it well.  Let it boil for 15 minutes. Set a side and let it cool.

2. Once the sugar syrup cool enough, put around 3 ladle of the sugar syrup in to a bowl followed by 1 spoon of grass jelly, tapioca pearl, 1 spoon of fermented cassava and tapioca jelly.

3. Add some bread and cover it with shredded ice cube.

4. pour around 4 table spoon of condensed milk on top of the ice cube. And your Es Campur is ready to be served.

TIPS: you may add some food coloring on the syrup on the making process to make it more stunning. You could also pour the colorful syrup as last ingredient to go to make the Es Campur look more Indonesian. Plus, adding some tropical fruit will hype up the taste. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Sholihin Nur