
Satay Maranggi and Gyro Lamb Shank, Two Siganture Dishes of The G Flavors  

Minggu, 17 April 2022 - 01:12 | 46.75k
Gyro Lamb Shank with padang sweet and spicy sauce of The G Flavors. (Photo: Lely Yuana/TIMES Indonesia)
Gyro Lamb Shank with padang sweet and spicy sauce of The G Flavors. (Photo: Lely Yuana/TIMES Indonesia)

TIMESINDONESIA, SURABAYAThe G Flavors which also known as  G-An Affairs of Flavors of Surabaya offers a wonderful taste of signature dishes to their table. The restaurant brought up Satay Maranggi and Gyro Lamb Shank for their customers during this Ramadan.

The Satay Maranggi of The G Flavors is a beef satay made with nice quality of tenderloin. This satay match with tasty sambal bawang or spicy garlic sauce and lontong or rice cake. This two becomes a good combination to have for your iftar.


Meanwhile, the Gyro Lamb Shank served in aesthetical way which make you even more salivating just to look at the presentation. The dishes was accompanied with padang sweet and spicy sauce and Briyani Rice that elevate the taste to the cloud 9.


In addition, this restaurant also serve a complete package of dishes from appetizers, main courses, to desserts. "We also have some waffle, thick and sweet pancakes as desserts, and Gyro Lamb Shank and Satay Maranggi for the main course," Chef Thomas Tirta, the main chef of The G Flavors said.

Meanwhile, Mirza denovan, the owner of The G Flavors said that the dishes will only be available till Eid Al-Fitr. For the final touch, therestaurant also has those vegetarian diet on their list. "We would like to bring some authentic experience of dining for all of our customers," Denovan said. (*)


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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Sofyan Saqi Futaki


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