
Experience an Exotic Chinese Architecture at Masjid Cheng Ho Pasuruan

Minggu, 08 Mei 2022 - 05:26 | 83.55k
The exotic Chinese architecture of Masjid Cheng Ho or Cheng Ho mosque, Pasuruan. (Photo: Khodijah Siti/TIMES Indonesia)
The exotic Chinese architecture of Masjid Cheng Ho or Cheng Ho mosque, Pasuruan. (Photo: Khodijah Siti/TIMES Indonesia)

TIMESINDONESIA, PASURUANMasjid Cheng Ho or Cheng Ho mosque was one of the three mosque in Indonesia with exotic Chinese architecture. The other two could be spotted in Surabaya and Palembang. And all has such authentic Chinese design of their own.

This mosque was build by muslim Chinese community in the country. They would like to commemorate the struggle of Muhammad Cheng Ho, the first muslim Chinese spreading the faith through his own community. And that's the main reason why they build the mosque.

Masjid-Cheng-Ho-b.jpgThe souvenir shops located right behind Masjid Cheng Ho. (Photo: Khodijah Siti/TIMES Indonesia)

The construction of this mosque which located at Jalan Raya Kasri No. 18, Petung Sari, Pandaan, Pasuruan, East Java was begun in 2004. It was then finished and opened for public in 2008. The mosque was dominated with green, red, yellow, and golden paint.

It was situated on 6.000 meter square area. The building was around 550 meter square wide. It could accommodate around 2000 people at a time. No wonder that this mosque become a meeting point for those locals during some huge religious event such as Eid Al-Fitr and Eid Al-Adha prayers.

At the back side, you will find some cafeteria and souvenirs shop. There are some local snacks with such an affordable price to bring home.

Masjid-Cheng-Ho-c.jpgMuseum Kabupaten Pauruan which also located on the same area with Massjid Cheng Ho. (Photo: Khodijah Siti/TIMES Indonesia)

There was also the city museum called as Museum Kabupaten Pasuruan located right on the corner of the entrance gate for the cafeteria. This museum opens on weekdays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Meanwhile for Masjid Cheng Ho you could visit this place anytime 24/7 and its for free. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Ahmad Rizki Mubarok


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