TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTA – Gunungkidul has been known with its beautiful beaches which will always gives the visitors a nice unforgettable moment during their visit. This includes Drini Beach with its captivating view and all the attraction it's offered.
Located at Banjarejo, Kepanewon Tanjungsari, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta this beach has become the locals favorite place to go during their spare time. even on the weekend this place will be filled with dozens of family or groups just to enjoy the beauty.
This beach has such a nice vast white stretched sand covering the beach shore. It also has a nice crystal clear water which make you feel like you can see through the beauty of the ocean floor.
Lots of them even will rent some kayak and paddle it to the middle of the ocean to enjoy the beautiful view of the ocean floor, and witness some school of fishes running around the shallow reef. Yes, the locals rent some kayak which you could use to enjoy the beach more.
This experience wouldn't be found anywhere else nearby. Drini beach was considered as one of the beach with friendly wave for kayaking. You could also take your kids for swimming or snorkeling to enjoy the bottom of the ocean.
A little far to the center you could see a small island they called as Drini Island. This island is accessible and you could get in to it and walk down your feet down on its mini beach to enjoy the beauty. These activities will be a perfect thing to do with your family during your holidays at Drini Beach. (*)
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Editor | : Khodijah Siti |
Publisher | : Lucky Setyo Hendrawan |