
DE’YONS Coffee and Eatery, Best Coffee Place in Garut

Selasa, 05 Juli 2022 - 05:06 | 57.48k
The perfect place to enjoy some coffee at DE’YONS Coffee and Eatery (PHOTO: Fani Fediansyah/TIMES Indonesia)
The perfect place to enjoy some coffee at DE’YONS Coffee and Eatery (PHOTO: Fani Fediansyah/TIMES Indonesia)

TIMESINDONESIA, GARUT – Nestled in the center of Garut, DE’YONS Coffee and Eatery is always ready to serve the best coffee for coffee lovers. 

Located on Jalan Pramuka 2, DE’YONS Coffee and Eatery serves indigenous coffee from Garut. According to Kartika Sari, the Owner of DE’YONS Coffee and Eatery, the coffee is purchased directly from the farmers in Garut. 

"The coffee supplies are purchased from several regions in Garut, such as Cikajang, Papandayang, Banjarwangi, Cilawu, Samarang, Kamojang and the list goes on," said Kartika Sari. That’s why, DE’YONS Coffee and Eatery names itself as the gallery of Garut coffee.

DE’YONS Coffee and Eatery has been partnering with the farmers in Garut since a long time ago. "We want to help the farmers by buying and distributing their coffee," said Kartika. 

DE’YONS Coffee and Eatery does not only serve coffee. They also serve foods, such as Crispy Chicken and Oxtail Soup that become their signatures.  "We also serve snacks, such as cassava chips and any other traditional snacks," said Kartika. 

The coffee price is relatively affordable, starting from IDR 10,000. With the nice atmosphere and minimalist concept, DE’YONS Coffee and Eatery becomes the most perfect place to hangout. In addition to that, there will be live music every weekend to entertain the visitors. (*)

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Publisher : Lucky Setyo Hendrawan


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