
The Story Behind Jabal Rahmah or The Love Hill

Sabtu, 09 Juli 2022 - 11:54 | 97.01k
The Indonesian pilgrims took some moment at Jabal Rahmah to be captured with their camera. 
The Indonesian pilgrims took some moment at Jabal Rahmah to be captured with their camera. 
Kecil Besar

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTA – There is one place that has always attracted every muslim in the world during their time of hajj. Not for praying or doing some routine for their hajj but just to commemorate the historical value of the place. this place is so called as Jabal Rahmah or the Love Hill.

Jabal Rahmah is a rocky hill located around 25 kilometerr to west north of Mecca. During wukuf time this place will also be filled with those pilgrims who spend some of their spare time to admire the historical value. They mostly came to this place by feet after doing their early morning prayer.



The story said that this hill was the place where Eve and Adam met fro the first time after being separated away for thousand years once they were ditched to the earth. This hill is where Eve and Adam start over their long lost relationship.

The hill was around 70  meter high, with around 160 staircases to reach the top part of the hill. You will need around 15 minutes to climb up on the stair to the top. The white beautiful view of those tents and facilities for pilgrims will be the main interesting view to catch.


This place was also said to be the place where the last revelation to Muhammad was given. But mostly they came to this place for the Adam and Eve story. "I came here with my wife and we hope to have an eternal love just like Adam and Eve has," Abdul Hamid, an Indonesian pilgrim said.

Not only in hajj season, in normal days Jabal Rahmah was also filled with people from around the world. They were just like to see this love hill which was said as the place where Adam met Eve in earth for the first time. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Lucky Setyo Hendrawan