
​The Difference Between Gado-Gado, Pecel and Lotek

Kamis, 11 Agustus 2022 - 01:22 | 306.65k
Pecel, vegetables with Indonesian-style peanut sauce. (PHOTO: iStock)
Pecel, vegetables with Indonesian-style peanut sauce. (PHOTO: iStock)

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTAPecel and Gado-gado are listed as one of the most delicious salad in the world. Quoted from tasteatlas.com, Gado-gado ranked 24 out of 50, whereas Pecel ranked 13 out of 50. 

Both Pecel and Gado-gado are made mainly of vegetables with peanut sauce. In addition to this, there is another dish with peanut sauce named Lotek. 

Here are the differences between Gado-gado, Pecel, and Lotek. 

1. Main ingredients

Pecel is usually made of green vegetables, such as spinach, kenikir, long beans, and mustard. Sometimes Kembang Turi is also added as the additional ingredient. 

Meanwhile, gado-gado contains carrots, beans, cauliflower, and bean sprouts. The additional ingredients include fried tofu, tempe, and eggs. It is best served with Emping (melinjo crackers). 

Lotek is much simpler than the two Indonesian salads. It only contains spinach, bean sprouts, and cauliflower. 

2. Peanut sauce

Gado-gado, Pecel, and Lotek are served with peanut sauce. However, the seasonings in the sauce are different from one another. The peanut sauce served with Gado-gado is mixed with coconut milk.

Pecel is topped with peanut sauce that has a strong aroma of lime leaf. The peanut sauce in Lotek contains ground nuts, onion, garlic, aromatic ginger, and tamarind water. 

3. Serving method

The serving method of these three Indonesian salads are different from one another. The peanut sauce served in Pecel and Gado-gado is served as the topping, while the peanut sauce in Lotek is mixed directly with the vegetables. 

Which one is your favorite? Pecel or Gado-gado(*)

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Publisher : Sofyan Saqi Futaki


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