
Bubur Sura, a Special Congee to Celebrate Islamic  New Year of Lunar Calendar

Selasa, 23 Agustus 2022 - 01:29 | 32.01k
The look of Bubur Sura or Bubur Suro of Majalengka. (PHOTO: Herik Diana/TIMES Indonesia) 
The look of Bubur Sura or Bubur Suro of Majalengka. (PHOTO: Herik Diana/TIMES Indonesia) 

TIMESINDONESIA, MAJALENGKABubur Sura or Bubur Suro is a ind of congee which is included as festive food which Indonesian community usually served during Suro or New Year for Islamic Lunar Calendar. The serving will be quite distinctive in every area but the most important part that they will use congee as the staple food.

This also happens to the local community of Majalengka, West Java. They have their very own way to serve this festive food. They serve the congee with several condiments including shredded chicken and several other condiments, but without broth or soup.

What make it more special is that some people will cook this congee together along with their community. They just collect and gathered the ingredients and cook it in one place hand in hand till it served. Just like what the local community of Bantarwaru, Ligung, Majalengka did.

"The concept was about working together, each person brought some ingredients to use for the congee or the condiments, we cook it together, and that’s what the essence of bubur suro is," Arrofik, a local community said on Monday (22/8/2022).

The Bubur Sura or Bubur Suro of Majalengka was made traditionally with stove and pan and it needs hours of stirring to make the congee. Meanwhile after the congee was ready, the local community will top it off with some condiments like shredded simmered chicken, slices of cabbage,  thin slices of omelet, and parsley.

The tasty savory taste of congee and how it only occur once in a year has made this festive food such an awaited food by the local community of Majalengka. The Bubur Sura or Bubur Suro has always been such worth to wait food that the taste will bring us to the legitimate childhood memory.  (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Sholihin Nur


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